About us

NDG is an international group that operates in the field of nutrition and defense in agriculture in a dynamic and professional way, and aims to offer innovative and quality products thanks to the collaboration with research laboratories connected to the most established European and international universities. Trust, fairness, transparency, care for human capital and constant commitment to research are the values ​​we believe in and on which we have made a serious and reliable group of competent and professional people grow.

I have always loved Nature, and had a deep interest in phytotherapeutic extracts and essential oils, used primarily in the medical field.

Inspired by this idea, I created Natural Development Group, with the aim of developing an innovative project for eco-sustainable agriculture.

Listening to the needs of farmers together with collaborators, I worked on creating a product capable of satisfying their needs. Responding in this way, and in some cases anticipating, the requests of a constantly evolving sector, with the creation of MICROSAP ® (PATENT GRANT EP. 3071039) INNOVATIVE PATENT, which brings essential oils to agriculture already normally present, associated with phytotherapeutic compounds and microelements, such as copper and zinc.

Gianluca Manfredini
Founding President

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chi siamo Pagine brochure2

Our Collaborators and Consultants

EXPEDIA MRCC S.r.l. Web http://www.medregexpedia.com
ASTRA INNOVATION and DEVELOPMENT http://www.astrainnovazione.it
RENOLAB Srl http://www.renolab-glp.com
Biotecnologie B.T. Srl http://www.biotecnologiebt.com
C.S.G. Palladio Srl http://www.csgpalladio.org
CREA VIT Research Center for Viticulture http://vit.entecra.it
ALFATEST LAB http://www.alfatestlab.it/it/
ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - University of Bolognahttp://www.scienzeagrarie.unibo.it/it/servizi-e-strutture/laboratori/patologia-vegetale-e-fitoiatria/laboratorio-di-micopatologia-fitopatologica
DISPAA Department of Agricultural and Food Production Sciences https://www.dispaa.unifi.it/
Institute of Biometeorology - CNR Bologna office http://www.bo.ibimet.cnr.it/
CSA Group Research Institute http://www.csaricerche.com/
BIOFARM S.R.L. Wise center http://www.centrodisaggiobiofarm.it/contatti.html
CeRSAA Experimentation and Agricultural Assistance Center http://www.cersaa.it/
UNIVERSITE’ DE REIMS CHAMPAGNE ARDENNE, Unité de Recherche Vignes et Vins de Champagne - EA 4707 - Laboratoire Stress, Dèfenses e Reproduction des Plantes - Moulin de la Housse (Bat.18) 51687 Reims Cedex 2 FRANCE http://www.univ-reims.fr/site/institut-de-la-vigne-et-du-vin/recherche,17661,31665.html
INSTITUTO SUPERIOR DE AGRONOMIA, TAPADA DA AJUDA 1349-017 LISBOA, PORTUGAL https://www.isa.ulisboa.pt/visitantes/tapada-da-ajuda